Spiral Point Brewery is a journey, just as your visit to Governors Island. The Brewery is a place to orient yourself to the island as well as New York, while enjoying some great beer and experiencing the brewing process.     Parsons School of Design

Spiral Point Brewery

Spiral Point Brewery as a whole, is a journey, just as your visit to Governors Island. The Brewery is a place to orient yourself to the island and surrounding New York, while enjoying some great beer as well as learning about the brewing process. As you exit the ferry station, you are immediately greeted with the extending ramp leading to the entrance of the building. Making your way in the building, you are greeted by a hostess who can either take you down the ramp to the right into the restaurant, or you can continue your journey to the top of Spiral Point. As you make your way, you are met with 7 landings that each host their own bar with a different beer type. Each landing also has its own view specially catered to an important area in the bay. As you reach the end of the consumption ramp, you are then at the point of the spiral, and you can enjoy a panoramic view of the bay. You are then ready to go down the Brewing Ramp, where you will learn each step in the brewing process at each of the 7 landings. You are now ready to go meander throughout the rest of governors island, or you can down into the restaurant and have yet another delicious beer.